In-house artist at Autodesk, creating docs, tutorials, and videos for the Arnold renderer using Maya, 3ds Max, Softimage, Cinema 4D, Houdini, and Katana. All images are rendered in camera with Arnold and created using multi-touch technology.
The images on this site may not be used in datasets for, in the development of, or as inputs to thieving plagiarism software (AI).
Featured on:
CNN, Colossal, The Sun, The Daily Mail, Autodesk 1, 2, 3, Discovery Channel, KOTTKE, Mashable, Buzzfeed, the CreatorsProject 1 & 2, aplus, VICE, BEAUTIFUL/DECAY 1 & 2, getinspiredmagazine, catalogdiseno, designboom, illusion.scene360, IGNANT, VISUAL NEWS, get Inspired Magazine, GIZMODO, THE VERGE, CREATIVE BLOQ, 3dtotal, SPLOID, LESTERBANKS, 2, CG RECORD, ronenbekerman, DIGITAL PRODUCTION, Creative Commission. Siggraph, Ten24, 80 Level, See Yourself E(x)ist, Kotaku, Avantform, Ars Machina, CGA Belgrade 2021, Autodesk University: Multitouch Maya, Inspiration Grid 1, 2.